Collection Object

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Thu Aug 3 10:20:30 CDT 2006

On 8/2/06 8:19 PM, "Philip Mötteli" <philip.moetteli at> wrote:

Hi Philip,

Sorry for little slow down in this discussion.

>>> What do they inherit?
>> Class T1 : public NSObject
>> {
>> }
>> What it inherit ?
>>     * Some RTTI ?
>>     * Ability to be NSObject
>> Right?
> In the dynamic environment/program, they inherit the functionality of
> NSObject, which consists of about 150 methods, depending on the
> linked libraries.

> And again: Not important for collections. I can add to a collection
> object an object, that is not inheriting from NSObject and it would
> work without a hick.

In C++ this is not possible

> I just have to implement -retain and -release

In fact this sounds for me that you inherit from IUnknown.
May be this is hidden for you as Obj-C developer...
> (btw, I do that all the time, when I add my proxies and faults to
> diverse collection objects) or I take a version of NSSet, that
> doesn't send these method callbacks.
>> The same for tables:
>>     CREATE TABLE T1 inherit NSObject
> Yes, but that's the static part of a program. Except if you configure
> dynamic things, like triggers or the-like, I don't see the connection
> to the collection problem. But anyway, in no way I want to proof you
> wrong!!! I just don't want, that you go in a wrong direction for
> solving my only obstacle I have with Valentina so far: Collections.

I see.

Well, after this discussion may be lets begin from start?  :-)

    Can you give e.g. some simple more specific example?
    With NSSet, 2 tables T1 and T2 to be some objects..

Let me again give point why I think inheritance the most correct way.
it should be NOT only static storage of data.

Valentina engine internally create for each table C++ instances of Vtable.
When they will have internal mechanism of inheritance, they also should be
able do some kinds of CAST and ala-virtual calls of methods.

Just up to know I always have think in C++ terms...

You have show that exists more flexible way send messages and wait who will

Other ways like BLOB of OIDs -- give us really static model.
Okay, we can store set of OIDs.
But how this give us a way to do search in POINTED tables as you want todo?
Again must be plugged some mechanism of even-kind propagation to few tables.

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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