Problem with 1.11

Pete Gates pete at
Wed Apr 26 22:30:15 CDT 2006

>>/ So I assume this is VCOM 1.11, Windows, Delphi. Right?
/>/ No, it's the C DLL being called from Delphi.
>>/ Advice from start. If you need so intensive updates, and IF you do not use
/>>/ and not going to use REMOTE server, then use not SQL but API way. IT will
/>>/ work in TIMES faster.
>/ Where is the API way described, I can only find SQL info? How can I do a
/>/ search via API?
>Check if C SDK 1.x have such methods as

>    Table_AddRecord()
>    Table_UpdateRecord()
No, nothing in any PDF or .h header file like that!

>/ I'm hoping I've got it fixed, it looks like a cursor wasn't being released -
/>/ hopefully!
>This is strong reason ;-)
Unfortunately wasn't that, it's still doing it.

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