[V4RB] 2.x Carbon/Mach-O Plugin Reqs

Dave Addey listmail1 at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Apr 13 08:31:13 CDT 2006

> Dave, are you connecting to Vserver or desktop db?

Desktop DB only.

> So it is not possible to debug in RB IDE with mach-o plugin with mach-o
> target build?  Because the debug package will not have Mach-o vcomponents
> folder in it?  If that's true, it will answer one mystery for me. I had
> asked about that in an earlier email today.

This is absolutely true.  Valentina can't insert the components into the
debug package, as RB simply doesn't provide this ability.  So, what I do is:

* debug with the Carbon plugin, with the Carbon Vcomponents in my
/Library/CFMSupport/ folder

* once this is working, I build the app with the MachO plugin, and manually
copy the MachO Vcomponents inside the application package.  I then test this
to be sure it still works!


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