Valentina Developer Program For Priority Fixes: Your Feedback Wanted

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Thu Oct 13 20:30:04 CDT 2005

On 10/13/05 8:14 PM, "Sims, John" <ayu8 at> wrote:

> One thing that has not really been touched on in this discussion is the
> affect such a system can have on the product.  What do I mean by this?
> Well, if you are only talking about the end-user having the ability to
> pay for true bug fixes to be elevated, that is one thing.  But if you
> open the door to situations where Valentina is not filling an
> individual's need (which so many developers incorrectly see as a bug)
> and then allow the individual to pay to have what amounts to a "feature"
> implemented then you have really big problems.  The last company I
> worked for used to allow customers to file feature requests like most
> companies do.  However, if it was a feature that we were not planning on
> implementing anytime soon or one we did not plan to implement at all,
> the customer had the option to pay for that feature to be added to the
> application in a timely fashion.  Since so many of these were features
> that only specific customers wanted for themselves (and no other
> customer would ever see the use for), the application became completely
> schizophrenic from a developers point of view.  I can see the value in
> giving a customer the option to elevate a fix to a bug (entered in
> Mantis and verified by Paradigma as a bug), but I strongly recommend you
> avoid the path of allowing individuals to "purchase features".

Thank you for good point, Jon!
Let me clarify and also answer on Charles concern.

* yes this should work for bugs only

* yes we not going delay bug fixes to make on this money

* target of this just give for a commercial developer mechanism to force
Paradigma set high priority for a known bug.

This happens very rare I think, and means that THIS bug is considered by
Paradigm as minor *and* time-eating for fix. So we each time defer it and
choose other bugs and other things to do which affect most or all people.

For example, if I need choose between bug of local engine which affect one
developer, and bug of Valentina Server, then what I choose? Right. I choose
Valentina Sever.

But if some developer/company think that THIS bug affect its product
image/sales and so no, then they want force us fix this big...

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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