SQL Error

Ivan Smahin IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua
Tue Nov 22 00:15:10 CST 2005

Hello Chuck,

Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 12:06:21 AM, you wrote:

CN> I am probably doing something obvious here but does anyone see anything
CN> wrong with this.

CN> INSERT INTO class (name,text,ID) VALUES (:1 ,:2 ,:3 )
CN> This is the data - ["Test Class", "This is a test of this class", 
CN> "I2G8L5-11O3VGE-FRP6HU-1"]

CN> This comes up with this error...
CN> ERROR: 462848

CN> I could not find that error in the list of error codes.  I also tried
CN> inserting it directly in the SQL and got the same results.

You should convert it to the hex.
It would be 71000 - ERR_SQL_PARSER_ERROR.

'text' seems to be a keyword.
The best solution is to avoid using such an identifiers.

Best regards,
 Ivan                            mailto:IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua

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