[V4RB] VText Problem

Ken Jordan jordan at digi-net.com
Thu Nov 3 15:08:17 CST 2005

Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

>On 11/3/05 4:21 PM, "Ken Jordan" <jordan at digi-net.com> wrote:
>>Yes, I am aware of the VPicture field type. However, for several reasons
>>it would be advantageous if I could store the pictures in string format.
>>Is there no way to retrieve the string data in its original form?
>Of course. Because string is TERMINATED by ZERO.
>Binary data can have zero inside.
Good point! (Although I was receiving a String of the same length, just 
with vastly different 'characters')

>You need to use BLOB or Picture
Changing to BLOB field and using WriteRawData And ReadRawData gives 
correct results.

Thanks Ruslan and Charles,


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