V4MD 2.0.3 Win

Sean Wilson snw at paradise.net.nz
Thu May 5 16:37:41 CDT 2005

Perhaps the following might help (with Valentina.debugLevel = #kLogParams):
* V4MD *: Valentina.new()...done
* V4MD *: Valentina.init()...done
* V4MD *: new VDatabase...ERROR: 5

As you can see, the rest is irrelevant as I can't create an instance of 
VDatabase without an error #5 being returned. For whatever reason, 
Valentina.lastErrorString is <Null> (this is not a lingo-safe value, it 
should be VOID if anything) and Valentina.lastErrorSymbol is 
#ERR_DYNAMIC_SQL_ERROR, even in a fresh movie where Valentina.lastError = 0


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