Valentina 2.0.3 products uploaded.

Sean Wilson snw at
Thu May 5 14:36:22 CDT 2005

>I cannot run your example file Common\Database_CreateCloseOpen without a 
>fatal error on the line of code:
>Valentina.logToFile(TRUE, FALSE)
>(It seems that if the first parameter is TRUE it will always crash, 
>whereas if it's FALSE it seems OK)
>If I comment this line so that Director doesn't crash, I get an error when 
>pressing the "Create Database" button: ERROR: ERR_DYNAMIC_SQL_ERROR(<Null>)

I have downloaded and installed this latest release and both these errors 
persist. Since you didn't reply to my original mail, perhaps you didn't get 
it. Or maybe you didn't check your examples against your build.

>Also: can you *please* include version info

Done - thanks for this.


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