V4MD search in API way and cXtraStringGrid example request

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Wed Mar 30 19:33:09 CST 2005

Hi Paolo,

> I'm trying API way, buto I don't understand how display some "selected"
> field...
> e.g.
> Field: Name, LastName, Andress, Phone, and so on
> I want find a student with "Paolo" name and I want display only name of
> STUDENTS table
> in SQL this is easy:  SELECT FieldName from STUDENTS...
> but in API way?
Just use such syntax:
    students = db.table("students")
    fName = students.field("name")
or simply:
    fName = db.table("students").field("name")

> I've copied my code for display data with cXtraStringGrid (only for
> windows), I ask you if in the next week it's possible to create a
> dir-example for this useful xtra. The code of example works...but it has
> been hard to understand like the iterator works... The iterator is new and
> not easy for now; in the docs I don't see many explanations...
1) Iterator is designed to iterate through the table records - not table 's
2) To clarify: so you want me to write new example which displays data from
    the table (using VSetIterator Xtra) using some third-party Xtra?

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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