V4MD fc9 - fields = table.GetRecord()

info at vallemediatime.com info at vallemediatime.com
Fri Jun 24 08:53:24 CDT 2005

Hi Ruslan

>>Usage is THE SAME as for cursor
>>fields = table.GetRecord()

I have not found a solutions for insert new function in my code.
I've tried in many ways, but I get always a RecID with 6 numbers  i.e.
952965 and a empty grid.

on ProduceTableData (n, rs, table)
currRec = value(member("recPos").text)
myData = []
fieldCount = gHeaderList.count
sprite(n).colCount = fieldCount
sprite(n).SetRow(0, string(gHeaderList))

-- Prepare table rows
recCount = rs.itemCount
if recCount > 0 then
iter = rs.makeNewIterator()
if iter.firstItem() then

repeat with i = 1 to recCount
row = []
table.RecId = iter.value
repeat with j = 0 to fieldCount
f = table.field(j)
row[symbol(f.name)] = f.value
sprite(n).SetCellText(j, i, string(f.value))  -- THIS WORKING

-- fields = table.GetRecord(i) -- NOT WORKING
-- sprite(n).SetRow(i,string(fields))

end repeat

member("searchString").text = string(myData.count & "/" & recCount)
myData[i + 1] = row

-- row numbers
sprite(n).rowCount = myData.count
end repeat

end if
end if

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