importFileInto method

Simon Neaves mail at
Wed Jan 12 14:53:49 CST 2005


I have a problem with the director importFileInto lingo method.

I am using lingo to import an image file into a cast member. The image is located in a folder called 'images' which is in the same directory as the director movie. I am using the following code:
importFileInto member "castMember", "images/picture.jpg"

This works fine on windows, but when I try it on the mac, it fails to load the image into the castMember. This method works on the mac if I locate the image in the ROOT directory and use  
importFileInto member "castMember", "picture.jpg"

but it doesn't work when the image is in sub-directory. 

Should the path look different on a mac?

I have tried images\picture.jpg and images.picture.jpg.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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