V4RB Select Problem

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Mon Sep 20 11:29:14 CDT 2004

Hi Ruslan

I just reindexed the database and it seems to be fine. It seems the indexes,
which I delete regularly, were out of sync.

But then, this is my problem. I have to calculate student's ages based on a
certain date - e.g. Their age today, their age at the beginning of the year,
their age at the 1st of July. Currently I am doing this with a calculated
method which I set up as I run RealBasic (change the method based on the
date, and then calculate their ages). The following is an example:

I need to do this several times in a particular RB Method. The problem is
that this can then cause the indexes to go out of sync. Is there a better
way that I can be doing this?


>> This would seem to be a bug in the Select Query if using a method. If using
>> a standard Short field, the select returns the correct amount of records. It
>> only occurs when a Method field is used. Has anybody else seen this problem?
> No Cindy.
> You have simple db which we can test in viSQL or Vstudio ?

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