VServer beginner questions

erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Sun Sep 19 20:12:46 CDT 2004

Hi Ruslan,

On Sep 19, 2004, at 7:44 PM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

>> What's the use of the FolderItem parameter in the DB.Create function 
>> if
>> every new DB is created in the Databases folder of ValentinaServer as
>> specified in the .init file? (a string would be appropriate instead)
> FolderItem simply contains NAME of db file, not a path.
> Look into example of V4RB Client

in that example I see you build a folderitem with function
f = GetFolderItem("new DB")
and use it to create/open as DB

but that function will point to a Folderitem named "new DB" located 
into the folder containing the running app while actually the DB is 
located into the Databases folder of ValentinaServer... this is a lot 

a string would be the appropriate parameter to pass in this case
or let us define where a new db should be created passing a folderitem

I see you allow a path parameter when registering a DB to the server so 
why must it live into the Databases folder?

BTW what's the Server behaviour when client attempts to create a DB 
with a name that's already in use into the databases folder?

can we put an alias into Databases folder and pretend it will be seen 
by the vServer?

>> why can't I look into the DB object in the debugger?
>> (demo app crashes whenever I make such attempt)
> Mmmm, in V4RB__Client example ?
> Don't know.

yep! I select the Open menu item and put a breakpoint in the FileOpen 
menu handler... seems that the Database is succcessfully opened
but if I try to inspect it in the debugger's props browser
the app crashes

Cool Runnings,
|er| musical box
|ne| a media store

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