Where Valentina is heading

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Wed Oct 6 08:25:21 CDT 2004

Hi Ruslan,

We are currently working through a government contract at the moment and we
have to provide some idea of the long-term viability of Valentina. I was
hoping you would be able to answer a few questions to help us with this:

How long has Valentina been going?

How many staff are employed in programming Valentina, etc.?

Roughly how many people are using the latest current version of Valentina?

What sort of aims do you have for Valentina in the future and roughly when
would you expect to accomplish them? E.g. v2.0, transactions, etc. The
government wants to know that Valentina has a plan for the future.

What sort of assurances can you give that Valentina will be here for a long

I really hope you can give us some answers on these as, with government
contracts, they like to know exactly where their software is heading and
whether it is going to last for a while.

Thanking you very much in anticipation.

Cindy Brown
New Zealand

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