
Daniel Plaenitz dp.lists at datenwusel.de
Fri May 28 13:25:07 CDT 2004

hello list,

I've come back to valentina (and this list) after some absence and as I see 
the volume here to be rather moderate I hope someone will find the time to 
give me an update to the current state of affairs with regard to valentina 
and utf-8 unicode data.

Background: with director 10 there is a way to "smuggle" unicode texts into 
director. They _have_ to be escaped before imported from an extra or 
whereever and before sent to a flash to display, but using the new 
javascript they can be unescaped and handled.

Now the other day someone asked me if this could be done with unicode data:
oracle -> valentina -> director -> display in embedded flash.


Daniel Plaenitz

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