V4RB for Windows

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Thu May 20 23:35:35 CDT 2004

Hi Ruslan,

I'm still having major hassles with the windows version of V4RB. The
databases corrupt really easily whereas they are very stable on Mac. I
rarely have a data corruption on the Mac but have them regularly on PC's.

The really frustrating thing is that once the program thinks there is a data
corruption, it just quits completely when you try to add a record to it. In
reality, though, there often isn't a data corruption and you can step past
this record and keep adding. This makes it really frustrating when your
program quits unexpectedly several times in a day.

I really believe your PC version is nowhere near as stable as the Mac
version and would appreciate some pointers on how to capture errors before
my program quits as well as anything else that might help sort out why these
errors are occurring.

Cindy Brown

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