Valentina 2.0. -- What is your 3 DREAM features?

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Sat Jan 31 20:20:42 CST 2004

>on 1/31/04 7:39 PM, Robert Brenstein at rjb at wrote:
>>>>  -- built in options to compress large data upon storage and auto
>>>>   decompress upon recall (choice of compression)
>>>  Mmm, this exists now -- ZIP compression for BLOBs.
>>  Hmm, may be it exists but there is no mention of it in any of the
>>  docs I have, so I have no clue how to use it.
>>  I'd like this to be simply a field attribute like with indexing or
>>  unique -- I just call Field_SetFlag() to make field zip-compressed.
>It is exactly such!

Ahh, I see it now. I searched for "zip" not for "compressed".

>>  By BLOBs, do you mean BLOB fields or all BLOB-type fields (that is
>Yes. Compression was added mainly for TEXT fields.
>There is no sense to use it for Picture field.
>And Robert, you use HuperCard?
>It do not support binary data..
>This can explain why you did not see it.
>In REVOLUTION present binary data.

I have moved to MetaCard (the older brother of Revolution) with most 
of my projects.


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