AW: [VServer] Mac error -43

Florian Bogeschdorfer fb at
Tue Jan 27 16:34:59 CST 2004

> How do I know?
> How does my installer know if it is the same?
> In my installer, I could write: Please use "localhost" for 
> local connections and the IP address for others, but I am 
> sure the support will bug we for the next year if I do so.

Erich, if this is an installer with one client on the same machine as server
you can always use "localHost" no matter if you are connected to a network
or not.

If you install a client that will connect to the server on another machine
you will need the IP of the server computer, so finding out the client's
computer IP does not help. The customer will have to enter the IP of the


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