V4RB - nil VCursor after adding new records

George A. Graham Jr. gagraham at comcast.net
Thu Feb 12 11:23:38 CST 2004

I do not think this is a bug.
Let's check.

* so you do not move files from Win to MAC,
    you just do all the same on MAC
    create db files, create tables, then create cursor
    and import into it file. Yes?

Ruslan: that's right.  We create a new db on the Mac, and use the identical
file (BTW, this file was created on the Mac using Filemaker, and works fine
importing in Windows).

BTW, do you import THE SAME file?
Ruslan: Yes

On MacOS importer expect to see text file in MAC OS format.
Check this.

Ruslan: It is using the NthField function in RB to separate the tab
delimited fields.  It is getting the data into the DB because after adding
the Flush method call, after crashing with a NilPointerException you can
re-run the app and open the DB created in last run.  It has the imported
data and can do a SQLSelect and return a non-nil VCursor.

* after cursor NIL
    check Valentina Error code.

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