Andrew Sinning andrew at learningware.com
Fri Feb 6 09:06:19 CST 2004


I am using SetMedia and GetMedia in combination with vList xtra members.
This method is 17 times faster than using the vList xtra method of
saving the vList data to a file!  However, SetMedia takes up 2x as much
disk space.  Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather have 17x speed than .5x
space, but is there anything I can do to bring the size down.

As I said in my last email, COMPACT doesn't seem to reduce the size of
the .blb file, even after I've overwritten very large BLOB values with
very small BLOB values.

Thanks.  I'm very happy with your product and service.  It is truley 1st

-----Original Message-----
From: valentina-bounces at lists.macserve.net
[mailto:valentina-bounces at lists.macserve.net]On Behalf Of Ruslan
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:46 AM
To: valentina at lists.macserve.net
Subject: Re: V4MD

on 2/6/04 4:31 PM, Andrew Sinning at andrew at learningware.com wrote:

> I read somewhere that it is possible to reduce the size of Val db by
> running some kind of cleanup command on the db or the tables, but I
> can't find this in the V4MD doc.
> Can you help me out?  Thanks.

It is in the ValentinaSQL.pdf


Also you can XML dump and Load -- the best thing.

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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