V4RB: Encoding VString - VText
Ruslan Zasukhin
sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Mon Feb 2 19:32:50 CST 2004
on 2/2/04 5:24 PM, Karl Grob at kgrob at mus.ch wrote:
>>> The class VString works correctly.
>> VarChar ?
> I don't use Varchar, only VString and VText.
> (VarChar would give too much Overhead, because the Texts of all the
> Works of a Swiss Poet are splitted up within the DB in their respective
> Words (> 3000000 Records) (with Variants, Comments, Textformatting and
> Pictures of the original Documents etc. DB > 2 GB ).
> The Declaration (Extract):
> // DB_Language is a Constant = "German", PFix is a Constant and works
> as Prefix for the Names of BO.
> Fld_Autor = new VString((PFix + "Autor"), 120, DB_Language)
> Fld_Titel = new VText((PFix + "Titel"), 128, DB_Language)
>>> If I encode the Database with DOSLatinUS (while importing Data), I do
>>> not get the right encoding for the Valentina-Program, i.e. the ä, ö, ü
>>> etc. dont show correctly. (By the way: If I set the Language of
>>> VString
>>> or VText to "German", Valentina shows always ASCII. The only way to
>>> change the language seems to be the Valentina-Program itself.)
>> Last fact is strange.
>> Sounds like V4RB do not set German language for you.
>> After change in VAPP, does it works fine then?
> No, there is no difference. I just mentioned it to give you this
> information.
Hi Karl,
1) once I have hear about such problem, and solution was -- create db on
Windows. Then both Win and MAC was happy.
2) can you play with my V4RB Example1, to change it in such way that String
fields have German. Make sure it create fields with no German.
Then please send to me. I'd like in the first turn debug this problem.
Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com
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