Off topic ... Shockwave and Valentina

Igor Gomon giv at
Tue Aug 17 00:55:56 CDT 2004

> Technically this Xtra is not SW safe then.  SW movies are not allowed to
> access files outside the dswmedia folder unless the user is given a dialog
> to select them.
If I understand it correctly then we need to add some code in V4MD Xtra to
determine whether it is used in Shockwave movie so then it will
allow create database files only in dswmedia folder. So if user passed to
createDatabase() method path "MyDb.vdb" then database will be created
in dswmedia folder.
But what to do in case when user is given a dialog to select path for
What if user select path outside of this folder?

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at

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