I was just talking to the boys upstairs and He says...

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Tue Aug 10 10:41:47 CDT 2004


I distribute a program to a number of schools with two full Valentina
databases broken into sections. In their program folder I have put in a
BACKUP folder which stores all the Valentina files and the schools are
instructed to backup that complete folder. This allows me to also delete
index files from within the program or they can force a reindex if I think
they need to and also keeps all the files in a safe place. They are less
likely to delete a file if it is in a folder - in fact, it never happens.

Hope that helps.

> However the point being debated is worth discussing. Having distributed a
> 'shrink wrap' commercial V4RB app for almost 4 years with thousands of
> users, I can testify to Jon's concerns. Especially since the index file
> takes the same name as the data file. This can and - often is - really
> confusing for average users. I've had them delete the db file, only back up
> the .ind file, rename files ... the list goes on and on and so have the
> support costs.


Cindy Brown

Kowhai Programming Systems
PO Box 198, Invercargill
81 Marama Avenue South, 9RD Invercargill
Phone (03) 213 1243
Fax (03) 213 1248
Mobile (021) 354 930

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