VServer on Windows and custom installation

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Wed Apr 21 09:55:25 CDT 2004

Hi Chris,

> VServer.pdf states that to start the server as a
> service you need to run it with the -i option and then
> the -s option.  Is it necessary to do both?  If I'm
> doing my own installation and want to start the server
> from that installation program, do I have to actually
> start it twice?
Yes, it's necessary. First time launching VServer with -i
option you registers it as a Windows service. And then
only you can run it with -s option - to start it actually.

> Also, will VServer run on any version of Windows, or
> just NT-based versions (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003)?  If
> it will run on all versions, can it still run as a
> service under Win 98, or does a shortcut need to be
> placed in the Startup folder?  It's not very likely
> that our customers will run the server on a Win 98
> machine, but it could happen.
VServer also runs under Windows98 (Windows 95 not tested).
It runs as a service. So you don't need to add anything to the 
Startup folder.

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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