VSRV OpenSession question

Igor Gomon giv at tlc.kherson.ua
Sat Apr 3 02:01:30 CST 2004

Hi X,

> Hi, 
> I am scanning ports to determine whether V.Server is
> running on that particular machine. Hence, I do an
> opensession and check for availability. However,
> OpenSession takes about 5 secs. to return. My question
> is Is there a way to reduce this time?
Are you V4MD developer? (please, specify this in the subject)
If yes, then when you construct VServer Xtra you can pass
optional parameter to its constructor - integer Timeout (last, 
5-th parameter). This parameter specifies connect timeout and 
is measured in seconds. It's defaut value is 5. So you can pass 
smaller value to reduce this time.

Best regards,
Igor Gomon
e-mail: giv at tlc.kherson.ua
web: http://www.paradigmasoft.com

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