RTF follow up

Gregory Kowalski gregkowalski at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 2 10:56:00 CST 2004

Thanks for the responses.

My idea is is to have the client store the RTF code in a field of their 
database (it's ASCII so Valentina can handle it), then when it is 
retrieved I have Director translate it.

For example:

"{\rtf1\mac\deff3 {\fonttbl{\f3\fswiss Geneva;}{\f2001\fnil 
Arial;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}{\stylesheet{\s0\fs24 Normal 
}\pard \f3\fs24{\f2001\fs26 C}{\pard \dn6\f2001\fs18 25}{\pard 
\f2001\fs26 H}{\pard \dn6\f2001\fs18 29}{\pard \f2001\fs26 NO}{\pard
\dn6\f2001\fs18 6\par}}"



I don't know if this list supports Rich Text to properly view the 
translated result above (it's a chemical formula with subscripts),  but 
you get an idea.


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