[V4RB] Table working with 1.9.7 but not with 1.9.8

Stan Busk maxprog at mac.com
Sat Sep 13 11:00:40 CDT 2003


I have a problem with V4RB 1.9.8. My app uses a table to store 
preferences with name 'Preferences'. This table has always been working 
well with 1.9.7 Yesterday I found out that since I upgrade to 1.9.8 the 
table is no longer working, I store strings to it but when I go reading 
it back, they are always empty. I have been checking the whole table 
during hours but everything is correct. Finally I decided to replace 
1.9.8 with 1.9.7 and the table is working again. I have no explanation 
for this.

 > The table name is boPrefs of type VBaseObject with following fields:

Sub boPrefs()
    name = "Preferences"
    PrefEntryName    = new VvarChar ("PrefEntry_Name",   64, "ASCII", 
kV_Unique + kV_Indexed) 'PrefEntry Name
    PrefEntryValue   = new VvarChar ("PrefEntry_Value", 256, "ASCII", 
-1)                     'PrefEntry Value
    PrefEntryRecord  = new VULong   ("PrefEntry_Record", kV_Indexed)     
                      'PrefEntry Record ID
End Sub

 > The funnction that doesnt work on 1.9.8 but work with 1.9.7 is:

Sub Update(inRec As Integer, inValue As String)
    If GotoRecID(inRec) then
       PrefEntryValue.SetString(inValue) 'Set PrefEntry Value
    end if
End Sub

 > I call this function thru my code this way:

Sub Prefs_SetValue(inDatabase As DB_Data, inKey As String, inValue As 
    Dim aCursor as VCursor
    Dim aResult As String
    Dim aErr As Boolean

    aCursor = nil
    aCursor = inDatabase.SQLselect("Select * from Preferences where 
    if aCursor<>nil then
       if aCursor.RecordCount>0 then
          inDatabase.mPrefs.Add(inKey, inValue)
       end if
    end if
End Sub

I have no idea why this table has stopped working on 1.9.8, my app uses 
22 tables, this one is the only that has stopped working.


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