[VSRV] Importance of Users?

Tim Davis timdavis at amug.org
Tue Sep 9 10:27:24 CDT 2003

Hi Ken and Ruslan,

>> Just curious: VSRV comes with one user - 'sa' which is basically the
>> system administrator. You can add users and passwords, but is this 
>> just
>> for my own convenience? Meaning, if I set up a single user and I had 
>> 50
>> people connect to the server with this same user name and password, is
>> that OK with VSRV? Or is that related to the licensing issue?
> This is not license issue.
> Igor say that right now on the sam login in the same time can enter 
> several
> people. This is useful is for example you self run 2 copies of some 
> apps

I have been using the default system admin logins for 5 users for a 
couple months, (until I can get the users and client app switched over 
to individual logins). It seems to work just fine.

>> From the same computer so why you can't login with the same name.
> Login name define in general RIGHTS TO ACCESS some tables and do some
> actions.

Ruslan, In a previous email you mention about administrator have the 
following privileges:
> Only admin can use Vserver class.
> So Only admin can change properties of ini file, and so on.

Can the "ini" file properties be modified through the VServer class, as 
an alternative to modifying the file directly, then restarting the 

Are there any other "rights to access" for admin other than modifying 
the Master database?

>> Also, does
>> VSRV keep track of what users are logged in and when they log out?
> I think this can be see in log file.
> But not as RDBMS table.
> May be later we can add this as option.

I created a login table in my custom database which records: user name, 
ip address, client app version and date/time logged in or out. (I 
format the date and time quite a bit, and put parenthesis around this 
timestamp when logging out.) (I'll soon be combining this info with 
parameters of master db and server connections.)
I built the login table to see who's in the system, and what client 
version they are using. This admin window can allows me to message the 
users and they can respond back to (only) me. For instance if I want to 
shut down the server or update their client, they can respond with 'can 
you give me 10 more minutes' etc.

Tim Davis

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