BlobFields, recID and success..sort of

Chuck rwc1717 at
Tue Sep 2 19:31:41 CDT 2003

> Did not work...
> Means that although the image is really in the field....there is no image
> recreated...moreover...there is no error associated with the query....

>How do you attempt to recreate the image ?

I use Monkeybread software JPEGStringtoPicture

>I suppose Input(1,2) is a string, isn't it ? Thus you have something in it
>after the line "Input (1,2) = rsV.BlobField("imageoneC").readRawData" or is
>Input (1,2) empty ?

 rien, babkiss, has no data associated with empty field...I test for no 
data and none is there.

>Note that the method "readRawData" doesn't recreate image. See "GetPicture"
>and other method of the VPicture field.

But as I said...I do get it using the object field problemo...and convert it 
using MBS function

> The tables are not linked......I am simply querying on a field that is common
> to both tables.

>You cannot do that (or I have not understood what you want to do)

You are correct...I must search each table separately....for Valentina

	I seem to remember that db/2 (on OS/2) allows one to do two SQL select 
statements and use either Union, Except or Intersect operators to get the desired 

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