Getting started with VServer
Arthur Clemens
aclemens at
Fri Nov 14 00:13:57 CST 2003
I am a bit puzzled by the search results from a table. The only way to=20=
ask is to give this elaborate example:
I have these fields:
mfKindOfWord("kind_of_word", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfGenderOfNoun("gender_of_noun", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfEndingOfNoun("ending_of_noun", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfConjugationOfVerb("conjugation_of_verb", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfTypeOfVerb("type_of_verb", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfCaseInfliction("case_infliction", 20, "", fIndexed),
mfEndingOfAdjective("ending_of_adjective", 20, "Slovenian", fIndexed),
mfComment("comment", 50, "", fIndexed),
I populate them from a file, but not all fields of each record are=20
1 prid -na -no =
1 medm =
1 sam m -a =
1 sam m -ja =
1 sam =C5=BE -e =
1 prid -na -no =
1 sam m f=C3=A1nta =
For instance, field 3 ("gender_of_noun") is only filled if the word is=20=
a noun - it is filled in records 3, 4, 5 and 7.
Now when I do a SQL query for each field (yes, this could be=20
optimized), I have for instance this statement:
SELECT gender_of_noun FROM grammar WHERE parent =3D 1
("parent" is the last field).
The field "gender_of_noun" of the first record is empty, yet I get 1=20
result back (but with an empty string)
Err =3D 0 ; mCursor =3D 0x4b46c00
number of results: 1
FBL_String* fblStr =3D cursor->GetString( "gender_of_noun" );
I find this strange. Shouldn't I get zero results?
Arthur Clemens
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