Retrieving object pointers

Fred.Stephenson Fred.Stephenson at
Tue Nov 4 18:16:04 CST 2003

>I tried out some code last night but ran into problems. I don't understand
>as much as I thought I did.
>I have this code
>    SQL = "Select * from Components order by Component_name"

SQL="Select recid, * from Components order by Component_name"

>   MyCursor = app.myDB(SQL, kv_client, kv_ReadOnly, kV_ForwardOnly)
>   RecordCount = MyCursor.RecordCount
>     rc = MyCursor.FirstRecord
>     for RHO = 1 to recordCount
>         This_component.Component_name =
>         <snip>
>         This_component.component_pointer = Mapcursor.field("recID").getstring

That's because you don't have the "recid" in your sql (see above)

>    At this point I get a NilObjectException.
>    I'm unclear where recID comes from. Is this a reserved word? It isn't a
>property in my table. Should I be trying to use GetrecID on the
>Components table instead?
>    BTW, I have component_pointer defined as string. Is this correct, since
>I have to use getstring, even though the pointer is a vULLong?

No, as Ruslan pointed out earlier you don't need to have it as a string
   D_Ecurs.ULongfield("EPtr").value = Ecurs.ULongField("recid").value

all the best


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