[VSRV][VXCMD] Bug in GetRecordCount

Robert Brenstein rjb at rz.uni-potsdam.de
Tue Nov 4 10:48:36 CST 2003

>Aha, this not implemented, but we think it is easy,
>Igor will do this now.
>Again, BaseObject API is not fully implemented for Server.
>So keep self closer to cursors.

It seems that you should, Ruslan, either completely remove BaseObject 
API and duplicate all of its functionality through SQL OR continue to 
support it fully. A partial support won't cut it. One aspect to 
consider is of course backwards compatibility -- if I have a program 
using BO-API heavily, converting it to SQL-API is an extra effort. 
But that is one time effort. Personally, I like BO-API because of its 
directness and simplicity, although that may be largely because the 
full syntax of SQL is still odd to me.

Furthermore, in light of an earlier discussion about returning 
values, you could consider to support SQLSelectRecords in addition to 
SQLSelect (it is my understanding, may be obsolete, that the former 
is implemented only for a few products). Then adding SQLSelectField 
or SQLSelectGlobal will be logical.


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