Severe disappointment (Denis)

Zav - Alex Zavatone zavpublic at
Fri May 30 12:29:24 CDT 2003

>P.-S.  Zav:  You say: "Partially, as a result of the crashes in 
>Valentina..." - please don't take it all out on V4MD, it's still the 
>best db Xtra for Director. I don't know the contract terms you 
>usually abide by, but the reason why I have clients sign an 
>agreement and pay from 30% to 50% in advance is to be able to make 
>for my time and expenses if they want to back out at some point 
>without giving me a fair chance to rectify an unwanted course of 
>action.  So I am tempted to ask: are you sure that a client that 
>nullifies a deal after seeing an obvious bug in such an early 
>version of your product would in fact have paid you in the end?

Good point. I opted to be a good developer and said "because of 
health, family matters and crashing in part of the development 
environment I was trying to learn, I can not finish this project and 
opt to return your money."  I do not want any grief with any of my 
clients and try to hold up my obligations.  I've got enough stress 
now and didn't want to feel guilty over mishandling a project that I 
solely held responsibility for completing.

- Zav
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