SOLVED! vserver client error 9
Keith DeLong
delong at
Tue May 6 12:36:17 CDT 2003
> on 5/6/03 10:15 PM, Keith DeLong at delong at wrote:
>> Hi Ruslan,
>> It appeared from that log that there was something in GUSI on my end. I
>> opened the networking System preferences and started running some tests...
>> Turning AppleTalk off caused the error 9 to go away! Turning it back on
>> brings the error back.
>> Now all you have to do it find out why and fix this :-) !!
> This is good news!
> I become happy :-)
Me too. I have just completed a little dance on my desk...
> Keith,
> 1) you mean control panel "Network" and here choose Tab panel "AppleTalk".
> and here I see check box "Make AppleTalk Active", yes?
Active -- error 9 on Open or New in IDE.
InActive -- no errors
> 2) on my computer it is OFF.
Turn it on and you'll get error 9
> 3) I wonder why you have set it ON on your computer???
> I am able work with Internet and local network without it,
> so why ???
I'm not real clear as I've not separated out X/9 networking in my mind. I
believe it is required for older classic connectivity and of course
appletalk printers. I hope there's an expert on the list who can shed some
more light on this.
I'm pretty sure it is on by default out of the factory as this is a new
PowerMac in the last couple of weeks.
> 4) well, I have see that right now GUSI is tuned on TCP/IP based on
> OpenTransport protocol.
> I have see that exists some old MacTCP protocol.
> Are MacTCP and AppleTalk brothers?
I don't know about such details :-)
Now for the bad news...
In RB 5.1 we get error 9 with AppleTalk on or off.
Since V4RB fails in the IDE and works in compiled apps in RB 4.5 and fails
in both environment in 5.1, I suspect it may be an RB issue. I do know RB
uses AppleTalk in 4.5 for serial number validation so maybe they are to
blame. In 5.1 itr appears most of their network stuff has moved to TCP/IP.
Will pursue this on the RB plugins list?
> --
> Best regards,
> Ruslan Zasukhin [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
> -------------------------------------------------------------
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