[VXCMD] Cursor_AddRecords Bug Testing Stack

Yennie at aol.com Yennie at aol.com
Sun Mar 23 21:47:49 CST 2003

It sounds to me like there is probably a small bug in the VXCMD 
Try passing empty for the parameters instead of no parameter at all- does 
that help?

If not, I guess VXCMD is picking up the default but doing something weird 
with it.

Personally, I just always pass the parameters, since I use non-default values 


> 1) Isn't TAB and CR the *default* options for the Cusor_AddRecords call
> if not provided? When I omitted the delimiters and let it use the
> default, it was all screwed up. If MetaCard was keeping newlines at the
> end of lines, using CR as a delimiter wouldn't work; consequently, if it
> was keeping CRs at the end of the lines, I shouldn't need to specify
> it...

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