[V4RB] SQL "Create Table"

Erik Mueller-Harder lists at praxisworks.com
Mon Mar 10 13:53:06 CST 2003

After *way* too long, I'm rejoining the fray.  Looks like there have been many developments since I left!

I'm developing a new Rb/Valentina application, and for various reasons I'm trying to do *everything* via SQL.  I've scoured the documentation and examples, but I can't find any example of creating a table via SQL (other than the SQL command reference, which tells me only what the SQL command itself should be).

I've tried this from within the db constructor (in an "if" statement which first checks the sysItem table to see whether the table already exists or not):

vc = new VCursor(me, "create table CompositeData ID string(12,'ASCII')")

[The new table is to be called CompositeData; the first field is "ID" -- a 12-character ASCII string field.]

I then check errNumber and errString.

    errNumber = 600 ("errSQL_SELECTexpected")
    errString = "Expected key word FROM"

It's interesting (to me, anyway) that the errNumber and errString don't agree with each other.

More interesting, though, would be to find out what the proper syntax would actually be.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks,


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