Ruslan: Re: V4MD Effeciency... and licensing + Win 32 OBCD tool - small comment

Chris Aernoudt chris at
Wed Jun 18 15:48:57 CDT 2003

>Download URL is enough :-)

Thanks for your swift reply, will send you a link to the finished
project when it's done.

>As I have see, you need provide us only serial to your app so we can
play >with it.

None will be needed, purely a promotional project.

I'd like to make some suggestions for the WIN32 OBCD tool, just tried it

1. The layout of the app should allow resizing of the column select
2. It's really annoying that the list on the left jumps back to the top
when you drag a source field onto it
3. After importing, you should change the ok button, so that it doesn't
try to do the import again, maybe change it to "Back" or something, and
make it go back to the first screen or make it close the app. I pressed
it again a few minutes ago (force of habit), when I tried to import some
data for the first time, and this resulted in hundreds of error boxes,
which I could only stop by killing the running process...
4. If you have too much time on your hands ( :) ), you could map fields
with the same name automatically (cfr. Sql server), so that you only
need to remove the ones you don't want to import... it's a bit of a drag
with lots of tables with lots of fields...
5. Maybe, just maybe allow for loading eg. An access db without needing
to create a DSN

One last question; are you thinking of doing a Valentina db editing tool
for WIN32 like the one for mac in the not so distant future (we have a
few macs standing around here, but I'm not too fond of mac :) )?


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