V4MD Efficiency... and licensing

Chris Aernoudt chris at pixellink.be
Wed Jun 18 14:22:20 CDT 2003


I wrote up some parent scripts to handle valentina data retrieval...
Basically what I do is open a cursor, pull everything into property
lists and clean up... All paging and so is done through the resulting

I'm working with relatively small amounts of data(no fields with more
than about 50 chars), and a maximum of about 200 records.

Would it be better to handle everything through valentina, would paging
be slower or faster than the proplist way?

Second: Ruslan; how about changing your licensing policy... I find it
rather annoying - the logo and everything is fine, but all that mail
stuff - sending a damn cd overseas costs... if you add MM and Quicktime
etc. shipping costs equal the price of your xtra for each production...
(nag nag :))

Do we have to wait for your approval before distributing the final

Thanks (and sorry for nagging ;))


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