Getting specific record number

Mark Maslowski mark at
Fri Jul 18 09:43:14 CDT 2003

> Is myCursor.currentPosition what you're looking for?

I don't think so. Let me see if I can explain it better.

The project is a clothing catalog CD. Let's say the user uses the menu to
select Mens Shirts > Polo. I display the record information for this product
by creating a cursor with WHERE shirt_style = 'polo'. This creates a cursor
with a single record. However, the client want the user, with a back and
next button, to be able to step though and display the products in Mens
Shirts. So, I need to find out where the current product, Polo Shirt, is
within the larger cursor of Mens Shirts so that I can do a NextRecord or
PreviousRecord from that point.

Did that help?


- Maz


Mark D. Maslowski

MAJICo - The Mark and June Interactive Company
Serving Northern California - from Napa to Monterey!

831-336-3343 voice       831-336-3353 fax


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