V4RB 1.9.8b12 uploaded

Francois Van Lerberghe fvanlerberghe at freegates.be
Wed Jul 9 21:11:12 CDT 2003

le 8-07-03 20:14, Ruslan Zasukhin <sunshine at public.kherson.ua> a écrit :

> Fixed 2 crashes:
> 1) on windows when are used BaseObject methods in WHERE clause.

Not completely fixed or it's a side-effect.

This SQL query does now work :

SELECT tableA.myField1
  FROM tableA, tableB
 WHERE tableA.myField2 = tableB.myMethodField

but this one doesn't work on Windows (= crash the app) :
(just added a third table)

SELECT tableA.myField1
  FROM tableA, tableB, tableC
 WHERE tableA.myField2 = tableB.myMethodField AND
       tableA.myField3 = tableC.myField1

This is on Windows (no problem on MacOS) with V4RB 1.9.8b12
The SQLSelect has the parameters kServer, kNoLocks, kRandom
Tested in my app and viSQL.

François Van Lerberghe
Thier Monty, 15A
B-4570 Marchin

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