NoLocks // 1.9.8b10 adoption of record locks. Feedback

erne ernestogiannotta at
Sun Jul 6 20:34:15 CDT 2003

Hi Ruslan,

On Sabato, lug 5, 2003, at 22:06 Europe/Rome, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

>> and my app what is supposed to do in the meantime?
>> of course show some "Please wait..." message
> The same as when you build cursor.
> If you do remote access and want to build big cursor them you already 
> expect
> few seconds of reaction.

there's no guarantee here how much delay there'll be
even for a single record query

it depends on the locked status of it
that's the price of privacy, as we in line at the cinema toilet well 
know 8-D

yes, we must live with it!

this again makes me wonder, there'll be a queue handling of data 
if so, can we know how many we have ahead?
if so, how can we check this info while waiting?

Say I have a timeout of 5 secs
I do the Sql, those records are busy and another query is awaiting for 
them (so I'm 3rd in line)
the first user release the record and the second locks it, he's about 
to release it but my Sql times out, so I loose my place in the queue 
and have to start it all over, but if I could see my turn is coming 
there's no way I do a thing like that!

Cool Runnings,

|er| musical box
|ne| a media store

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