[V4RB] Question about adding records in cursors

Charles Yeomans yeomans at desuetude.com
Mon Jan 27 15:13:55 CST 2003

On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 03:00  PM, Kevin Windham wrote:

> I am working on an app where I will be adding records to the same 
> tables from different sources. I remember some discussion about using 
> cursors being better than relying on the base object methods due to 
> some kind of confusion that can happen with base object methods
> Looking through the documentation, I don't get any clear indication on 
> what is the best implementation practice. So I have a few questions.
> 1. Can I create an empty cursor and add records to it? If so, how? Do 
> I pass an SQL statement that won't match records. Is there an easy way 
> to do this.

Yes; use the search condition recID=0.

> The reason I want to do this is to utilize the database as persistent 
> object storage. I will be creating a record for each object(sometimes 
> several records for objects which encapsulate other objects) , and I 
> want to be able to create them at will without needing to worry about 
> other parts of my program getting the wrong info from the table 
> buffers, or overwriting info I am currently putting in the table.

I use V4Rb in this way.

> 2. After I add a record, whether it be through a cursor or a base 
> object method, what is the best way to get that record's RecId? If I 
> can easily create an empty cursor and then add a record to it I can 
> just getRecID on the first record. Is there any simple way to do this? 
> Perhaps a function that creates the record and returns the ID? If not, 
> can I rely on the current record pointer always pointing at the record 
> I just created? Does this change if I am using baseobject methods or 
> cursor methods?

When you create a cursor to add a new record, specify recID as one of 
the fields to retrieve.  After you create the record, you can get the 
recID from the cursor.

Charles Yeomans

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