[Valentina] Re: Vdb files

jda jda at his.com
Sat Jan 18 15:21:42 CST 2003

>  >> We need an extension...No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I think Valentina should allow the ValentinaSetExtensions to work in the
>reality of extensions necessary to live in the OS X and Windows world.
>>  Yes, I also see now problem with this behavior for MAC Carbon application,
>>  Which must work on both MacOS 9 and MAC OS X.
>Carbon apps can have both a type/creator and extension. What is the problem?

Keith, that was my scream. :->

I have absolutely no problem if anyone wants to use extensions in OS 
X. But I don't see why they have to be forced on us! They can be 
supported on an app-by-app basis. What I saw was that with 1.9.7b5, 
all of a sudden I couldn't open any of my existing databases (this 
using V4RB). Moreover, to make them compatible I would have to add a 
".vdb" extension, which would confuse my users no end (my 
application's name doesn't begin with a "v", for starters).

Hence the scream.

Making extension a developer option, as you are asking for, would be 
perfectly fine.

>This is just what I want to be able to do. What I suggested was that an OS 9
>user who doesn't care about extensions could use:
>ValentinaSetExtensions "", "", "", ""
>While a cross platform/OS X developer could use the following to add
>extensions to their files.
>ValentinaSetExtensions "vdb", "dat", "blb", "ind"
>>  You must prepare good name for Valentina and then Create/Open.
>What I am requesting is a consistent ValentinaSetExtensions command that
>works the same on all platforms.
>Does this make sense Ruslan? Am I missing something?

Makes sense to me.


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