[OFF] utility for files

David Hood david.hood at stonebow.otago.ac.nz
Sat Feb 15 21:48:39 CST 2003

On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 08:32  PM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Anybody know if exists such tool for MAcOS X which can do next task.


As an example for changing names in all the files in a folder

> A) add prefix to many files.

set newPrefix to "old_"
tell application "Finder"
	set theFolderIWant to choose folder
	set ListofDocuments to every document file of theFolderIWant
	repeat with aDocument in (ListofDocuments as list)
		set oldName to name of aDocument
		set name of aDocument to newPrefix & oldName
	end repeat
end tell

> B) change prefix of files

Using OSX with the command line:

set oldPrefix to "old"
set newPrefix to "FBL"
tell application "Finder"
	set theFolderIWant to choose folder
	set ListofDocuments to every document file of theFolderIWant
	repeat with aDocument in (ListofDocuments as list)
		set oldName to name of aDocument
		set newname to (do shell script " echo " & oldName & "| sed 
s/" & oldPrefix & "/" & newPrefix & "/")
		set name of aDocument to newname
	end repeat
end tell

Since the last example calls the unix shell it may need a bit of work on 
unusual characters that need escaping (but it worked fine on a test 
folder I tried it on. This version would also go wrong if the searched 
for string appears elsewhere in the filename.

David Hood

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