[Attention to ALL]: VJDBC and VPHP beta testing.

Lloyd Butler lbutler at on.pelmorex.com
Thu Feb 6 16:55:21 CST 2003


I have been trying for the past couple of days to get the php library to
work, but can't seem to get it installed. 

I am not too familiar with the unix compiling and linking stuff which is why
I haven't wasted lots of bandwidth trying to solve my inexperience. I was
going to try JDBC with Perl, but have the same sort of limitations. Lots of
ideas, not too much knowledge. Having worked with Applescript for the past 6
years, you never see this stuff.

 OS X 10.2.3 and php 4.3.0 I can get it to configure, but then when I run
make I get

ld: can't locate file for: -lVCSDK_Macho
make: *** [libs/libphp4.bundle] Error 1

I am guessing it is looking for VCSDK_Macho.dylib which is in

I can get php to compile with mySql and other options, just not valentina. I
suspect a silly mistake, but...

Oh well, need to get more reading to see if I can figure some of this out.


> Hi!
> Do you have any timeframe for when we can lay our hands on the much
> anticipated
> Valentina JDBC driver?

Hi Niklas,

Have you get chance to test JDBC driver ?

Hi All,

Hey guys, why we do not see any messages on VJDBC testing?!

Anybody except Niklas on this list is going to use VJDBC ?
This allow to use Valentina with
    - Cold Fusion
    - Web Objects
    - Lasso
    - ...

Anybody have test latest PHP beta, to use pictures.

We need you help guys!

Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin      [ I feel the need...the need for speed ]
e-mail: ruslan at paradigmasoft.com

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