[V4RB] ? about cascade deletion and many to many relationship

Claudius Sailer Claudius at sailer-online.de
Thu Feb 6 19:37:15 CST 2003

Am Donnerstag, 06.02.03 um 19:18 Uhr schrieb Kevin Windham:

> Say I have a link table  t12 with t1.ptr and t2.ptr so I have a many 
> to many relation between t1 and t2.
> Now when I delete a record  t1 I want the associated link records in 
> t12 to be deleted, but I don't want the associated records in t2 to be 
> deleted.
> If I understand the Cascade option correctly, it will delete records 
> in t2 also. Is that correct, and if so how would I go about handling 
> this situation? If I am wrong, can someone tell me how to set up the 
> deletion properly.

I would say now.

You define in t12


in t2


then in t12 the records will be deleted in t2 the field in the records 
will be set to null.
The delete-functionality tells the relation by itself how it should act 
when the BasisRecords is deleted



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