pdf and Valentina

Scott Runkel srunkel at hypix.com
Thu Dec 4 11:30:08 CST 2003

We have a similar project, and we are using Valentina for database and for
storing Director #text members, and Impressario to handle the PDFs. We are
keeping the PDFs external on the CD-ROM. For Valentina, we have the PDF text in
other formats (#text members, RTFs, etc.) and we use those to put the text into
our database. Then the user can search the text, and if they want to view a
document we put it on screen as a #text member (not PDF, since PDFs shrink when
you make them narrower, whereas a #text member will adjust its width and still
display the full-sized text). If they want to print the document, we use
Impressario to set an Impressario castmember to the correct PDF on the CD, then
print that.


Scott Runkel
Director of Technology

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