[1.9.8 bug?] Orphaned Text lines
Francois Van Lerberghe
fvanlerberghe at freegates.be
Tue Aug 12 18:03:03 CDT 2003
le 12-08-03 17:08, Francois Van Lerberghe <fvanlerberghe at freegates.be> a
écrit :
> le 12-08-03 12:45, erne <ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it> a écrit :
>> You mean update record or add record failure after having written data
>> to Blob field?
>> Yes, this is known issue
>> Valentina allocates segments to write those data in the Blob file
>> but forgets to free them up in case of Update/Add failure
>> or of course in case a crash occurs before issuing Update/Add commands.
> This is during an add command that seems to work well (no database error)
> The (simplified) code is
Oops, my code was not well copied.
This one is the good one :
if lenB(theString) = 0 then
if existingRecord() then // False if Adding a new record
end if
myCursor.myVTextField.Value = theString
end if
> ---------
> ok = myCursor.Add
> app.myDatabase.Flush
> After that, I have an orphan segment.
> François Van Lerberghe
> Thier Monty, 15A
> B-4570 Marchin
> Belgique
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