[1.9.8 bug] app crashes when re-reading unlocked record

Erik Mueller-Harder lists at praxisworks.com
Sun Aug 10 08:32:54 CDT 2003

I hope Ruslan's having a good vacation (very well earned!).  I'm sorry he'll be coming back to bug reports, though....

Given a base object messageBO, containing DateTime field "fSmartDate":

1.  Create a cursor with something simple like:

    vc = mdb.sqlselect("select recID, fSmartDate from messageBO
    order by fSmartDate", kV_Server, kV_NoLock, kV_Random)

    So far, so good -- I get a cursor with, say, 12,000 records.

2.  While the first cursor still exists, create a new cursor, thus:

    tc = mdb.sqlselect("select recID, fSmartDate from messageBO
    where recID = '4312'", kV_Server, kV_NoLock, kV_Random)

    This record *does* exist on messageBO and *is* in the first cursor,

Since I'm using kV_NoLock, I'd expect everything to work as it did before 1.9.8 -- I should get another cursor that contains that same record.

Instead, I get a *NilObjectException* error.

Worse, if I use the construction:

    tc = new VCursor(mdb, "select recID, fSmartDate from
    messageBO where recID = '4312'", kV_Server, kV_NoLock,

instead of getting a NilObjectException error, my application *crashes* immediately.

I know development on the 1.x series has stopped, but if this isn't fixed I'll need to drop back to 1.9.7, as I must be able to have this record in a second cursor.

Any chance of a fix?


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