PLEASE REPORT: on testing of Server once again!

Keith DeLong delong at
Wed Apr 30 08:49:40 CDT 2003

Hi Ruslan,
Under the current scheme, it appears I can have only one vserver based
application running per server. What if two vServer based applications are
running on server hostname in the following:

     mDataBase = new MyDataBase( hostname, "sa", "sa" )

How difficult would this be to implement?
    mDataBase = new MyDataBase (hostname, ServerName, "sa", "sa" )

> Now I know where to search.
> Deal is that we use GUSI library that emulate UNIX socket for Carbon and
> Classic targets. As you know MacOS Classic and Carbon do not have sockets.
> So problem is located somewhere on this library calls.

So maybe there are some tests we could have on the client side for valid
How difficult would it be to add a server object and test for valid
connection to vserver and possibly a test for availability of a particular
database? I'd really like to have something like the following client syntax
       str =
       str =
       str = server.user
       str = server.password

       bool = server.available  // can we make a connection?
       bool = server.dbexists (dbname)
       bool = server.userexists (username)
       bool = server.adduser (username, userpassword, adminpassword)
       bool = server.deleteuser (username, adminpassword)
       bool = server.addDB (dbname, adminpassword)
       bool = server.deleteDB (dbname, adminpassword)

       dim server as vserver
       server = new vserver(hostname, servername, user, password)
       mDataBase = new MyDataBase(server)

       res = mDataBase.Create(dbname, 1, 32 * 1024 )
       res = dbname )

       mDataBase2 = new MyDataBase2(server)

       // copy newdb to server folder
       res = server.addDB (newdb, sa)
       if server.dbexists (dbname) then

       // add newuser to master.vdb
       res = server.addUser (newuser, newpassword, sa)
       if server.userexists (username) then

> 3) I think compiled V4RB Windows app will work with your servers,
> Because WIN target use simply sockets of Windows.

I will test win32 as soon as I get some time.

> Okay, now I know where to search.

Happy hunting :-)

Keith DeLong

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